Monday, June 21, 2010

Jamshid Mohammadi Appointed as the New TRB Representative

Dr. Jamshid Mohammadi, professor of civil and architectural engineering, is the new IIT representative to the Transportation Research Board (TRB). In this capacity, Dr. Mohammadi will act as the liaison with TRB. He will coordinate IIT's activities as relate to TRB. His initial term of appointment will be until August 2010 with an extension of term for three years. He will be the contact person to receive all research materials and correspondences related to TRB activities for distribution to CAEE faculty.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

CAEE Department Starts Search for New Chairman

After 12 years as Department chair, Dr. Mohammadi will return back to his teaching and reserach duties. The search for a new chairman started in March 2010. The search committee is planning to have the new chair hired as early as August 2010 or January 2011. Here is the formal announcement.

Illinois Institute of Technology
Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering
Department Chair Search

The Illinois Institute of Technology (IIT) is seeking a distinguished scholar for Department Chair of the Civil Architectural and Environmental Engineering (CAEE) Department (

IIT is a private research university in the heart of Chicago. The Armour College of Engineering at IIT under the leadership of a new president, provost, and dean, has embarked on an ambitious and exciting agenda to build upon Armour’s accomplishments and reputation by growing the research portfolio, continuing excellence in undergraduate and graduate education, increasing campus diversity, expanding facilities, and undertaking major capital improvements across the campus. IIT’s recently developed strategic plan places engineering excellence among its highest priorities. The CAEE Department is an important component of this vision, and plays a leading role in the interdisciplinary themes identified in the strategic plan.

The CAEE Department offers bachelor and master degrees in civil, architectural and environmental engineering, and doctoral degrees in civil and environmental engineering. It has12 tenured/tenure-track faculty members, 232 undergraduate students, and 240 graduate students. The department received over $950,000 in research awards in the most recent fiscal year.

Candidates for the position are expected to merit appointment as full professor and have a record of distinguished research and educational achievements. The position of department chair offers highly competitive compensation and benefits.

For full consideration, applicants should submit a letter of interest outlining their qualifications and vision for the position, curriculum vitae, and the names and contact information of at least three references. Application materials should be submitted electronically to Review of applications will begin on April 19, 2010 and will continue until the position is filled.

Direct questions and enquiries to the Search Committee Chair, Dr. Ali Cinar, Vice Provost for Research at 312-567-3637 or

Illinois Institute of Technology is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

John O'Leary's Retirement Party

The CAEE Department had a gathering as a tribute to Professor John O'Leary's thirty years of service to the university. This event was on Friday April 09, 2010 and was held in Alumni Memorial Hall, the home of the Department of Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering. We can only say that the event was a complete success. Many and many people attended the event - his current and former students, professors from all over the campus, many co-workers, colleagues and friends. The success of the event was a testimony to how everyone has benefitted from John's dedication to education and service to IIT. John has decided to retire. He will leave IIT in September 2010 to pursue his life in retirement. We will certainly miss him and wish him luck.

Jamshid Mohammadi, CAEE Chairman